Wednesday, November 9, 2011

 Project Description

Behind every civilization is a history to unfold, a greatness to discover and small people to uplift.

Mindorenos! Yes that’s who we are, the disciplined citizens and the businessmen of today. But, stepping some distance far from the province proper, that isn’t how Mindoreno’s are known.

Ever heard of this,”Taga-Calapan ka? Mindoro? Asan ang buntot mo?”  Some would ask why. Oh come on! Buntot? Tail? Where did that come from?

Several inhabitants of other regions knew us Mindorenos as those who came from the group of ethnics called Mangyans wearing “bahag” and have their “fictional buntot.” But, we are aware that the “buntot” is just a part of folklore. We are all the same, Mangyan or civilized Mindorenos especially Calapenos, there aren’t much of a gap.

            We, Mindorenos must open up our eyes and never ashamed of our brothers and sisters. We are one and we must all shout this out loud, “Hello! Ako Mangyan!”

            Come! Join us and discover the history and society inside our beloved province . Discover how we cherish our ancestors and how evident equality is among the so-called two types of Mindorenos.

            Hurry Up! Explore! And Enjoy!

 Background of the Story

"Mangyan" is the collective name of seven ethno- linguistic groups that inhibits the highland region of Mindoro, the seventh largest island located off the coast of Luzon, and northeast of Palawan. Most parts of the region are mountainous. 

The exact etymology of the word "Mangyan" has not beeb identified or traced. Based on existing studies there are at least six different groups. The northern groups are the Iraya, Alangan and Tadyawan. The Southern groups are the Hanunoo, Buhid, Batangan and the Ratagnon. In this blog, we will feature the group of Mangyan near in our locality which are the Alangan Mangyans.

Image of Alangan Mangyans in Mindoro

The Alangan occupy northwest central Mindoro. One theory about this term is that it could mean "a group of people whose culture is awkward",  from the Tagalog word alangan, which means among other things "uncertainty" or "doubt". But in this blog we will show that Alangan Mangyans and other Mangyans in the entire island of Mindoro are special with their very own rich culture and way of living that should be given with enough respect and importance. Without these minorities who play an important part in our history and in the development of today's society, who are we right now?


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