
And this is how we made our video blog site..

Happenstance the  Radical Powerhouse

                Beginnings are scary for those who happen not to believe in their own expertise, skills and abilities. In this case of ours, beginnings are labyrinths which force us to pursue what we want to do with our fullest potentials. Making this webpage required us our patience, perseverance, ingenuity and creativity.
The researchers focused on the lives of Mangyans and the lifestyles of  Calapenos. Each and every story is unique from another, one unfolds something which leads to more life changing discoveries. These things are only some of the inspirations of the amazing high school students who composed the radical powerhouse.

Thinking Differently Amazing

                With the other matters prepared, the researchers conceptualized something that could be of good interest. They planned for the details, scheduled their activities and thought of the resources. In time, they were able to establish their ideas.
The Quest for the Aborigines
                Queries and questions about one’s origin is just natural. And behind every question is an answer and answer shall only appear if one starts to explore curiously.
The internet, books, resource persons were sources of information. But for the researchers, exploring was the best method to search for the answers since Mangyans are known to the locality.

Conversing Heart to heart

                Talking to someone unfamiliar and distant from the actual trends is difficult. But as the researchers chatted with the Mangyans, they were able to relate with them. Though their practices were different they were bound by their heart to heart talk. With that, they were able to understand the native’s stands.

Bearing with Everything

            Fixing everything required the researchers a lot of time and dedication. Everyone should function accurately and concisely as they can. Teamwork proved worthy as they realized the importance of one another. Finishing touches were quite hard and finalizing every detail is a matter to deal with.
       With the help of God and the untiring support of  their teachers and classmates, they were able to come up with the webpage.

(Bloopers while shooting and preparing materials for our blogsite)

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